
Selfhelp Community Services is a non-profit serving 20,000 older and vulnerable adults each year through home health care, affordable housing, and skilled social services, while remaining the largest provider of services to Holocaust survivors in North America. The organization offers a complete network of home care and community-based services with the overarching goal of helping seniors live with dignity and independence and avoid institutionalization. Learn more: www.selfhelp.net 

 Selfhelp operates the oldest and largest program serving Holocaust survivors in North America, caring for over 4,800 elderly and frail individuals. Selfhelp's services for Holocaust survivors honors the sacred pledge made by our founders: to serve as the last surviving relative to victims of Nazi persecution. This promise remains our imperative. We provide Holocaust survivors with the services they need so that they may live with the comfort and dignity they so richly deserve.

Media requests for Selfhelp: Contact Sandy Myers, Vice President, External Relations & Communications, smyers@selfhelp.net | 212-971-7627
